Yuki Lerud



Born in Tokyo in 1987. In 2007 graduated from the Nippon Design College with a degree in graphic design. After working for a design office for a few years, started teaching graphic design at college. After that, started working for a famous fashion brand in Japan called ANAP as a graphic designer. In 2014, started working for YMC (Yamaha MusicCommunications) as a graphic designer as well, made posters, leaflet, website etc. Since 2014 working as a freelancer in the United States.

Naissance à Tokyo en 1987. Diplôme du Nippon Design College en design graphique en 2007. Après plusieurs années au sein d’un bureau de design, enseigne le design graphique à l’université. Poursuit sa carrière en tant que designer graphique pour ANAP, marque de mode japonaise. En 2014, travaille pour YMC (Yamaha Music Communications). En tant que designer graphique, conçoit affiches, brochures, site Internet etc. Dès 2014 travaille à son compte aux Etats-Unis.
